Sunday 8 March 2009

Now that I have a minute...

Well it's been a busy few weeks since my last post, so here's a wee summary of how I've spent my time:

-spent a week getting increasingly agitated with the general crap I put up with in the form of school...seriously, it's getting beyond a joke. This came to a head when I nearly had a nervous breakdown in the lunch queue after a silly wee boy (probably first year...we all know how much I hate first years!) lifted up my bag by the wrong end and deliberately turned it upside down so everything fell out everywhere. This was possible because my school has this stupid rule where you have to leave your bag outside the place where you buy lunch because small neddy people kept stealing crisps :S

-went to a party on Saturday night with the intention of getting completely wasted (as you do when you're overstressed). I vaguely knew the guy from school and had no idea what the party was for, but it was good. Up until the point where I was pretty much kicked out as a result of trying to sober up a couple of girls in my year who were honestly about to pass out or reintroduce dinner or something. To make it short, they spilled the water I gave them, caused a massive scene, fell over, threw up and ended up being locked out of the guy's garden and having to get a taxi home from my house at 1 am (my parents and little brothers were asleep upstairs while the three girls failed at sneaking into my living room then threw up and fell over some more. Not impressive.)

-got completely swamped with homework for the past five (six?) days. I honestly don't think there's a single night I've been downstairs before 10. Of course, the internet access on my phone may have something to do with that....

-wrote my extended essay for History. I won't know how I did til I get my results in August but I swear, if I ever hear the words Suffragette, Votes for Women or Emmeline Pankhurst again I may have to kill myself...

- witnessed one of the best things ever done for Comic Relief in the form of a 'Man Pageant' at school...Mr WHS. Feckin hilarious. Basically, a load of 6th year guys went up and made an arse of themselves with interviews, dancing, and some swimming trunks. Fun Times.

-went to see The Young Victoria tonight with the girlies...It has to be said - Rupert Friend? I would. Even though he has one of the most ridiculous names, I still totally would. Kiera Knightley is far too lucky. As for the film itself, it was...ok. Bit of an anticlimax at the end, if I'm honest. the whole romance between Victoria and Albert is, OhMyGod :P but that's pretty much all there is to it. They get married, have a big fight, realise they love each other muchly and have nine kids. And you don't even get to see all nine, just the first, then it tells you in text about the rest. Although I suppose it would get a bit boring just seeing nine babies one after the other...

And so that is it, the highlights of my life in the past wee god knows how long. I commend you if you actually read all of this because it's pretty damn boring. I'd better go get some sleep, I have some Irish cousins coming to stay tomorrow (not the one I was visiting - there's a few :P) so I need to enjoy my bed while there's no small children in it. God that sounds creepy....

Oh, and watch this. Then go and download it!
