Thursday 1 October 2009

When my brain fails me, I blog...

Argh. Life is rather stressful at the minute. Too much to do, too little time. Plus I think there's something up with my left shoulder - it keeps giving me weird pains D: but if I complain about it with the current state of my mum's back.... Trust me, it's not worth the hassle.

I'm honestly considering forgoing uni and becoming a bum instead. The application process is just too damn confusing. That's along with the sheer impossibilty of finding enough good things to write in a personal statement!
Ihavenopersonalqualitesofnote. I've honestly been grovelling about msn all night trying to find out what people really think of me (lol).

On a happier note, I've been getting out more recently but this actually adds to the general busyness of life these days. I went to Glasgow to see Tommy Reilly last weekend and he was amazing! But the support was equally as good, if not better - Pearl and the Puppets, here they are if you havent heard of them (her? idk):

The next day we went straight from Glasgow to the Edinburgh Uni open day (I reallyreallyreally want to go there...) which left me just Sunday to do LOTS of homework. This did NOT go down well with the parent figures, but ah well, what can they expect? I could be sitting at home spending all my time on the...wait, never mind :P

I've somehow become an unofficial agony aunt to the long-haired young lads from my school as well, which is a bit weird. I'm not sure how it happened but now I get to hear all their problems. I suppose it's nice that I seem like the kind of person you can talk to about stuff, but I am honestly the worst for advice. I mean the WORST. Awkward situations ho...

More stuff to do this coming week as well...
-tomorrow, birthday dinner for my friend then party at resident bunny-boiler's house (should be interesting)
-saturday, Tommy Reilly (again! I know...) is in Stirling so I'll be seeing him :D
-monday, dance workshop with the too faced dance company (drool...)
-wednesday, work after school
-friday, too faced are doing a show which I am absolutely going to see

But for now, I have a personal statement to write....