Monday 27 September 2010

Procrastination, or An Update On Life.

Well hey there.

I feel like I only write blogs when I should be doing something else, but oh well. An effective form of procrastination methinks.

So I have now started uni, and to be honest I'm not really sure what I think of it yet. Yes, I am enjoying myself and yes, my courses are interesting, but I sort of feel like it's not really my life - the whole thing is kind of surreal. That seems to be one of the questions I'm asked most often these days though - "how are you enjoying uni?" For months in the lead up to it I got "Are you looking forward to uni?" and "What are you going to study?" and "Which uni are you going to?" and "Where will you be staying?" about forty times a day. I couldn't wait to get here so that people wouldn't feel the need to ask these same questions over and over, and they don't anymore - they've just been replaced with a different set.

I'm not complaining though. I like meeting people and talking to them just as much as the next person, and I ask the same questions to everyone else. I suppose it's the one thing we all know about each other without being told - we're students. Which feels very strange to say.

In other news, I am also now 18 which means I can do lots of fun stuff I couldn't do before (read: get plastered). The only not-so-good thing about this is that my bank balance has taken quite a hit since August and as I have moved away from Stirling, I no longer have a job! I've been looking in Edinburgh (where I now live) but, if I'm honest, I haven't really committed myself to the search (which is very, very bad I know). So right now I'm sitting trying to update my CV (I say trying because, well, I'm obviously not doing very well if I'm sitting writing a blog). I really need someone to stand behind me and tell me to focus on my work - I can be hardworking (honestly!) but I'm SO easily distracted.

I have a feeling this year is not going to go well...