Monday 29 December 2008


ok first thing...


that seems very old to me being a wee 16 lol

ok so the christmas season is now over, and I must say this year it kind of passed me by without my noticing :( maybe thats cos this year my parents finally gave up the whole santa pretence with me. I never thought I'd say this but I actually missed it. Stupid robbers of my christmas spirit. And I feel like a little brat due to the whole two families thing meaning i got an iPhone and a Wii (ok the Wii was a joint present but still...)

Now 2009 is on its way and that really scares me. I will not accept that 2008 went so fast. That just didn't happen! It seems such a cliche but it honestly does still feel like October at the latest :/... Oh well here's hoping 2009 is a better year for everyone


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