Friday 29 May 2009

Happy Days

This is my wee brother playing basketball. Isn't he cute? Shame he can beat me or else he might be my favourite!

I kid, of course.

But really, today turned out pretty good. Considering that when I woke up I didn't have the will power to actually get out of bed, and not just because I love my bed. But after I read my history textbook for a bit and ate some rice krispies, things started to look up. I still got beat at basketball by a midget six-year-old, though.

Also, my head is in a muddle. And of course, taking centre stage is him. Do I like him? Should I tell him? Is it worth it when he's possibly/probably seeing someone else who is ten times more attractive and sluttier than me? It sucks.

Then there's exams. I need a whole other brain to deal with exams right now. Every time I sit one, I feel as though it should be the last, but oh wait, here's more to ruin my fun. Surely that's just wrong when I only have five subjects. I've done four so far and I feel like there is no chance I've passed any of them, so, no uni for me! My dreams of a law degree will never be realised...

I don't really think I have anything else to say, if I think of anything I'll let you know.

P.S. Random fun fact I just found out today at the age of 16 years and 9 months, when I was born my right ear was fused to my head and it only came away because my mum gradually pried it off during feeding sessions. Craaazy.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

A sad day

Today, it was the sixth years's last day at my school ever.

Now, you may be thinking 'But Megan, you're only fifth year. You have another year left! Why are you sad?'

Well, I'll tell you. The entire time I've lived in this town (about 10 years now), they've always been "The Year Above", even when we were primary 7 and they were first years at high school. Now they're just...gone.

It feels a bit weird.

And I feel old...

Also, remember him? Yeah, while I was in France I realised that actually I still like him a lot. But of course, he's in sixth year so aside from the school show in a few weeks (and the one exam we'll both be doing) I'm never going to see him again. This is not a good thing at all. BUT I'm going to take a leap and tell him on the night of the last show, that way if I get knocked back on my arse I don't have to face the humiliation of seeing him all the time - a cunning plan I think.

I'm really freaking out about my exams now, and every time I try to revise I can't concentrate because I have some song or other stuck in my head - right now it's Speeding Cars by Imogen Heap (you should get it, it's really good)
I just want to curl up in a ball until they're all over...

In other news, here's a picture of me at the wedding, just hanging out with my darling brother...don't we look great? (Sometimes I love myself too much xD ) Sorry it's sideways, I'm not sure how to change that:

Friday 8 May 2009

Tuesday 5 May 2009


Unfortunately. I couldn't stay forever, I know, but a few more days would have been nice...

Anyway, things to say! The wedding was fantastic. Or at least, the bits I remember were. The other bits, if my family is to be belived, not so much. I blame the demon drink. It causes nothing but trouble for me, as I should have learned from that party a wee while ago. I've also learned now that in the presence of cousins, my big brother is utter pish. To be brief, after a long day's alcohol consumption we pretty much got dragged onto the minibuses back to our beds, and woke up in the morning with messy clothes and few memories.

Bear in mind this was at a FAMILY WEDDING. Meaning my GRANDPARENTS were there. Meaning I am SO out of favour in the family right now. But then so are pretty much all of the cousins apart from Senan, because he doesn't drink (only because he'll get £500 if he doesn't drink til he's 18 - he's gambling!)

Anyway, I have school in the morning - how depressing - so, night night!