Tuesday 22 September 2009


So I've been very tired this past week or so, and I still can't figure out quite why. I think I've been doing too much, but my mum would probably disagree xD

Before I say anything else, I went to see the RSNO today and they were amazing, so much that I'm going to show you. Here.

Ok, moving on. Last week I started rehearsals for the local schools concert, which is basically a big mash-up orchestra/choir from all the schools nearby. I'm in the choir, of course...I haven't played an orchestral instrument since I parted ways with my somewhat unpleasant violin teacher (she threw a book at me and made me cry. Not on the same day). So that involves some intensely long, boring hours after school, but it's pretty amazing the way we can just be handed music, have the tune played once, and everybody's harmonizing perfectly straight away. This is why I don't like my own school's choir: it's full of tone-deaf 13 year olds. Although a senior girl's choir just started which is bound to be way better.

Enough about choirs though. I also started a new job last week, working for an organisation called Kumon. Basically, they give extra help to kids after school for English and Maths, and I get paid £5 an hour to sit and mark the work they hand in. Pretty nice, except when there's a million kids and they all hand their work to me, resulting in a line of impatient children huffing in front of me while I frantically toss answer books around. Even the well-organised boss said it was a 'baptism of fire', which I kind of understand...

Also, just wondering, who's bright idea was it to give Postman Pat a helicopter? A helicopter? Really??

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