Friday 11 September 2009

It's been a while...

Hey there, crazy kids!

...So, um, 3 months? 4? Good thing I don't get paid for this!!

Well, so much has been going on! Really, honestly! So because of that, I'm afraid this post will be in list format (argh! I know, I hate lists too!)

- I sat my Highers and (pretty much) passed them all! Results included an A in French, c'etait fantastique! I did fail History, but that could be changed in the next few w
- I didn't tell him anything...In the end it really wasn't worth the hassle!
- Visited Rome with my church youth group at the start of the favourite city!!! Have a pic...
- Spent another 3 weeks in Italy with the family, good times were had! And mine and Niamh's Torta Della Nonna kicked arse!
- Went to see U2 at Hampden. That was a bloody brilliant show!
- Got twitter
- Turned 17!! This, I think, is the biggest news and still needs some celebrating. Care to join me?

I still haven't started driving lessons yet, mainly for the reason that I don't have a provisional licensce yet. I really need to get me one of those...

Also, in the next few months I'm going to see Tommy Reilly and Florence and the Machine. Considering adding Regina Spektor to this...thoughts?

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