Tuesday 28 April 2009

I'm in France!

And I love it! My auntie gets married this week, so as a bridesmaid I obviously have to be here as long as possible! hahaha :)

Sadly, I do still have to do revision since les examens are only a few weeks away, however it doesn't stop me from totally enjoying myself. A big pile of cousins and brothers and aunts and uncles and parents arrive today, so it will be less peaceful but more fun! I fully intend to come here next summer to do a season, and maybe be like my auntie and never come back....wonder what my mum would say to that? ;)

It is actually a bit gutting that today is the first decent day in terms of weather, I was hoping to have a headstart on the tan thing, because I am a GHOST! Sadly, it has been pishing rain the last 3 days, so I still look like a dark haired albino (I know they don't exist, but still) and no doubt my brother will be almost black the minute he steps off the plane - he works like that :/

Well, I have homework/tanning to do, and a boulangerie to visit, and you have whatever you have to do, so, laters!

meg x

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Goin' Back To Mah Roots...

For many years, I have fought with the 'curse' of mental frizzy hair. It's been a vicious battle, with no winners, but a few casualties along the way.

It started when I was about 6, when I realised that other girls my age actually brushed their hair and I decided I probably should, too. Not that I was unkempt or anything, it was just that my mum liked my curls, so the hair was not brushed until I decided to change that. From then on, my hair has been a major stress inducer in my life as I constantly tried new tools and products to force it into a smooth, shiny nice thing. In fact, I am ashamed to say that occaisonally I have actually been late to important things/not left the house/cried because of the state of my hair.

But not any more.

I have realised something important today, and that is that no one cares but me. So why do I bother? From now on, I have given in to the frizzy curly mop of my hair. I do not fight it. I embrace it. Hello, frizz, welcome to my head. Do enjoy your stay. I hope we can learn to get along :) .

No, there was no real point to this post. And now I seem incredibly vain. Great.

Friday 10 April 2009




This story is hilarious.

I promise you will laugh.

Ok, so last night I was on Omegle chatting to random people from all over the world, when some guy from California comes along. I figure out quite quickly that he knows absolutely nothing about Scotland, so, I decide to have a little bit of fun with him. So I told him that we Scots hunt haggis (they have one leg shorter than the other, so you chase them backwards round a hill to trip them up..)

After he believes that, I decide to see how far I could take it. The next thing I tell him was that marriage is arranged through cow trading and that the 'older bride' is 15 while the youngest is 9. And that I am 15 and about to get married to a guy called Hamish, to whom I have been promised since birth.

Oh, and me and Hamish are going to have nine or ten kids who will be raised 'by the clan'.

And did you know the life expectancy in Scotland is 42 due to TB in the springs? And no-one here has seen a person over 50 so we think they turn grey all over.

And it costs a million Scottish yen to fly on a plane. So, sadly, I will never see a Californian care home and know what old people actually look like (he actually suggested that one..)

Can you believe he actually fell for that? I mean, aside from anything else, if I lived in a country that backwards, why would I be sitting on a computer chatting to him???

My only regret is that my internet crashed before I could save this. Cos it could have provided me with laughs for a loooong time.

Thursday 2 April 2009


So I mentioned before about how my dance team was part of the big competition between schools in my area, yes? Well, the competition was last night, and my team came second!!! Yes, I know it's not quite first, but that went to another team from my school who had an absolutely amazing dance and some people I quite like in it so it's irrelevant. Anyway, I thought I'd share some photos from the night:


Oh, it was fun. I also finally got my christmas present from my friend Laurie (in April!! Shocking, I know) which involved a 'mystery package' from cybercandy.com so needless to say everyone was on a sugar high, mostly from the chocolate flavoured skittles (odd, but surprisingly nice....). The only not good part was that we only got to do the dance once - only the winners get to do it twice - because it was SO MUCH FUN!!! Also, I absolutely loved our costumes, and our hair and makeup (modelled so sexily by myself in the third pic) and if i wasn't so inhibited and could afford face paints all the time I would do that kind of stuff every day (lol..)

Today was quite rubbish though. The absolute worst parts were at the end of school where I had to carry my stuff from every subject from my locker into town because I was working. Now this is roughly the equivalent weight of two small children. So basically I had an extremely uncomfortable 15 minute bus ride then had to heave the stuff through the town centre, with the extreme weight of my bag causing my skirt to ride up at the same time as my leggings were falling down. Not a good look. Then there was work itself, which just all-out sucked, so no change there. This new girl just started and I swear to god she wants to beat me up or something. I'm not quite sure why, but she scares me anyway. Then, when I got home I decided I would play with my little brothers in the garden since it was a beautiful sunny day. Except nothing ever goes nicely, and Robb got sent inside for punching Max. So I kept playing with Max, and when Robb was finally allowed back out he decided that I liked Max more than him and he hated me. Fun times. Meanwhile, my dad took my phone off me as an incentive to clean my very messy room. So once the room was cleaned I went to get it back, and guess what? Massive big crack on the screen. Which wasn't there when I gave him it. Which means he somehow cracked the touch-screen of my iPhone. Which he obviously denies. And I don't know if I can get it fixed....sad sad :(