Tuesday 28 April 2009

I'm in France!

And I love it! My auntie gets married this week, so as a bridesmaid I obviously have to be here as long as possible! hahaha :)

Sadly, I do still have to do revision since les examens are only a few weeks away, however it doesn't stop me from totally enjoying myself. A big pile of cousins and brothers and aunts and uncles and parents arrive today, so it will be less peaceful but more fun! I fully intend to come here next summer to do a season, and maybe be like my auntie and never come back....wonder what my mum would say to that? ;)

It is actually a bit gutting that today is the first decent day in terms of weather, I was hoping to have a headstart on the tan thing, because I am a GHOST! Sadly, it has been pishing rain the last 3 days, so I still look like a dark haired albino (I know they don't exist, but still) and no doubt my brother will be almost black the minute he steps off the plane - he works like that :/

Well, I have homework/tanning to do, and a boulangerie to visit, and you have whatever you have to do, so, laters!

meg x

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