Wednesday 15 April 2009

Goin' Back To Mah Roots...

For many years, I have fought with the 'curse' of mental frizzy hair. It's been a vicious battle, with no winners, but a few casualties along the way.

It started when I was about 6, when I realised that other girls my age actually brushed their hair and I decided I probably should, too. Not that I was unkempt or anything, it was just that my mum liked my curls, so the hair was not brushed until I decided to change that. From then on, my hair has been a major stress inducer in my life as I constantly tried new tools and products to force it into a smooth, shiny nice thing. In fact, I am ashamed to say that occaisonally I have actually been late to important things/not left the house/cried because of the state of my hair.

But not any more.

I have realised something important today, and that is that no one cares but me. So why do I bother? From now on, I have given in to the frizzy curly mop of my hair. I do not fight it. I embrace it. Hello, frizz, welcome to my head. Do enjoy your stay. I hope we can learn to get along :) .

No, there was no real point to this post. And now I seem incredibly vain. Great.

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