Sunday 8 February 2009

francais, pourquoi?

Why, oh why did I take higher French? Oh, that's right, to be a French teacher. Only one problem there - I can't do higher French and I'm too bloody impatient to teach. Ok, so that's two problems, but still.

It's just occoured to me that this blog is becoming really negative :S. Let's think of happy things!!

I'm going to Ireland this weekend to see my cousin, who I haven't seen in proper months so yay! It will be a weekend of proper girlieness and fun - shopping, chick flicks, and so on.

Bloody hell I wish it would snow again. We had good snow last Monday but I couldn't enjoy it because I was in my English exam, then it rained on Monday night and it all went away :( And all this time England have been off school and no buses and that because they have so much snow. Send some of it north plz?? Then maybe I can get out of my French or history exam, which would be good and wonderful and stuff :)

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