Monday 9 February 2009

single pringle

Ok, so it only just dawned on me today that I'm going to be single for Valentine's Day. Again. Yes, I know, how slow am I? But really, there comes a point where the whole mushy couple thing gets to be too much so you just tune it out (I passed that point about six months ago lol). Actually, come to think of it, I think the last valentine's card I received was about ten years ago, from a boy with a lisp and a tragic bowl cut. So you see my life is just fraught with romance.

So, this year I fully intend to have an ANTI-valentines day with my cousin. There will be no fluffy romantic things allowed within ten feet of us, and only singletons are allowed to join in. Hmm. sounds good.

However, any lovely Irish lads that are interested, my plans can change ;)

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