Thursday 26 February 2009


I'm now back to school after having 3 weeks off (ok I had exams for 2 of those weeks but still) and its a bit rubbish. Everything is the same, but different, if that makes sense. Like, he is no longer attractive, but someone else is. And I'm back to that old mutual dislike with certain teachers who shall remain nameless (I'm trying to be nice these days).

But things are good too. I seem to get on with people better these days, as long as they aren't trying to make me learn things, and my social life is improving now that I don't need to spend as much time cramming before exams. :)

My room is completely made over, and it's basically empty. This is a new experience for me because I'm used to a room full of mess and colour and things, only now it's all white and minimal. It's lovely, but it's taking some getting used to, which my mum doesn't seem to realise because she keeps thinking I'm just a tad ungrateful, which is so not true. But oh well, she'll understand one day...

I've been so freaking tired all week. It's ridiculous. I think it has something to do with the fact that I have to get up ridiculously early to get to school on time, which is not always a possibilty for me. Hence I am often the last person into tutor group, so much so the teacher doesn't bother telling me off :P. That's only 3 times a week anyway, because I do this thing called paired reading where basically I sit for 15 minutes and listen to a first year read. Only, I'm pretty sure my first year hates me, which can be quite entertaining. An example of a conversation between us goes like this:

me (at 10 past 9 with 5 minutes to go): So do you want to start reading then?
her (without eye contact): no.
me: are you ok?
her: yes.
me: do you not like this book?
her (still no eye contact): no.
me: do you want to change it?
her: yes.
me: do you want me to help you choose? (since I have to listen to you mumble through it, it might as well be something I'll enjoy being mumbled)
her: no.

I don't actually interrogate her like that all the time, but sometimes it's necessary just to make sure she hasn't gone brain dead like most people in her year. Honestly, some of them are ridiculous. Like today at break, a group of them were sitting where my group of friends usually hang about, because they were on detention for distressing a sheep until it fell in a burn and drowned. No joke. So their silly wee pals were standing about taking the piss, and started pushing each other around, inevitably bumping into me and my friends (sadly, mostly me). So after a lot of this, and us trying several times to install the Fear of the Senior Tie into the idiots, we got the help of a depute head teacher, who actually went to them 'Right, that's enough, you've upset the senior pupils, now get off that bench!' And they actually jumped up and left. It was hilarious.

And now you have seen the random, rambling thread of my thoughts on today, I'm going to bed. Goodnight.

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